And God spoke kindly to mine heart —
So kindly spoke he to mine heart —
He said: »Thou art allowed to fart!«
So kindly spoke he to mine heart.
And God spoke kindly to mine fart —
So kindly spoke he to mine fart —
He said : »Comest from a farting heart!«
So kindly spoke he to mine fart.
He said:
»I made —
The foreparts — and the hinderparts —
I made the farts — I made the hearts —
I am grand master of the Arts« !
He said:
I made the oyster shit the pearl —
I made the boy to screw the girl!«
Said he —
Elsa von Freytag Loringhoven

Hedda Gabler
by Henrik Ibsen
»David Stöhr stages Ibsen’s “Hedda Gabler” at the Staatstheater Darmstadt as early feminist resistance against a dull male world.«
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
»You can still see that [Trixi] Strobel’s Hedda is by no means accidentally causing mischief. She is – sometimes in a charming, even heartfelt way – perfidious.«
Frankfurter Rundschau
Having just returned from a long honeymoon, Jörgen Tesman and Hedda, née Gabler, move into their new house. It is Hedda’s dream house, for which Tesman has run up huge debts on the assumption that he will soon become a professor. It could all be so beautiful. But neither of them are made for this marriage. Hedda longs for more influence and adventure, while Tesman’s most ardent passion is his work and he wants to fulfil all of society’s demands. Then Hedda’s former lover Lövborg turns up. He has used her absence to write a ground-breaking work with the help of another woman. Now he is also being touted as a possible candidate for the professorship. Hedda’s life plan slips through her fingers. Within 24 hours, she manages to bring the bourgeois world around her crashing down.