“I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me. Like the bodiless heads you see sometimes in circus sideshows, it is as though I have been surrounded by mirrors of hard, distorting glass. When they approach me they see only my surroundings, themselves or figments of their imagination, indeed, everything and anything except me.”
Ralph Ellison
“White people are used to identifying themselves only as human beings and making whiteness invisible. But there is no more powerful position than to see oneself only as human and to determine the norm.
Grada Kilomba

“It’s playing again! Live in front of an audience with a well thought out security concept! David Stoehr skilfully compromises for this and, like the six ensemble members Ernest Allan Hausmann, Gabriele Drechsel, Ulrike Fischer, Thorsten Loeb, Murat Seven and Mathias Znidarec, is therefore rightly celebrated by the premiere audience. “

Volker Oesterreich,  Die Deutsche Bühne

“…it is presented in a video-play combination, which enables two groups of visitors – one in the foyer, one in the Staatstheater’s chamber plays – each to have their own experience. Technically, this hybrid form is excellently solved by director David Stöhr and his team. The somewhat sterile nature of the videos fits the protagonists of the NGO with the unmasking name Everyday Gandhi.”

Eva-Maria Nagel, Frankfurter allgemeine Zeitung

“All in all, director David Stoehr presents here a work that is “memorable” in the truest sense of the word, which is neither exhausted in exuberant empathy nor in satirical devaluation. He and the actors succeed in portraying the psychological, social and political ambiguity of the NGO world without any cheap denunciation. And this in times of Corona!”

Frank Raudszus, Egotrip.de


Rainer Merkel

Direction: David Stöhr 

Stage and Costume Design:Sarah Sassen

Music: Shannon Sea

Dramaturgy: Maximillian Löwenstein

Video: Jan Heck
With: Gabriele Drechsel, Ulrike Fischer, Ernest Allan Hausmann, Thorsten Loeb, Murat Seven, Mathias Znidarec
Play Video